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Containers & Kubernetes Tutorial

ToDo App - Kubernetes

On this lab you’ll build kubernetes manifest files to run your app

On this lab


You should finish Step #1 in order to have your images available on Docker Hub and testes your app running using docker compose.


On this lab you’ll have the following goals:

Todo App Components

Todo App is a basic 3-tier application with the following components.

Todo App Components

Let’s deep dive on Todo DB, Todo API and Todo WebApp.

Kubernetes Architecture

Regarding Kubernetes components, you may check the final architecture on next image.

Kubernetes Architecture

At the end of this lab you should get on your cluster an outcome like you see on previous image.

Create all needed files and deploy to your cluster.

At the end you should navigate to http://localhost and should get and use Todo App.


You’ve finished your ToDo App running on Kubernetes cluster!