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Containers & Kubernetes Tutorial

Lab 03 - Persistency in containers

On this lab you’ll use volumes to share data between containers. Then we’ll use environment variables to execute containers with different values.

On this lab

Create volume

Before sharing data between container, you need a volume. Let’s create a volume.

docker volume create lab03-volume

Getting a list of volumes allow us to confirm that the volume was created.

docker volume ls --filter name=lab03-volume

You may get a list like this.

local     lab03-volume

Create Scripts

Now let’s create the scripts and the images to use persistent storage on containers.

First, create a folder to keep all your files.

Then, create a bash script called with the following content.


echo "Log: $LOG_FILE";
touch $LOG_FILE

tail -f $LOG_FILE

This script will run command tail on a file to show the changes on that file.

The path for that file is available on environment variable LOG_FILE.

Now let’s create another bash script called with following content.


echo "Log: $LOG_FILE";
touch $LOG_FILE

while $true
    echo $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") >> $LOG_FILE
    sleep 1

This script will create a new entry on a file every second.

The path for that file is available on environment variable LOG_FILE.

Create Images

Now it’s time to create the Dockerfiles for each image.

Create a new file called Dockerfile.reader for reader image with this content.

FROM busybox


WORKDIR /script


RUN chmod +x

CMD ["/script/" ]

Create a new file called Dockerfile.writer for writer image with this content.

FROM busybox


WORKDIR /script


RUN chmod +x

CMD ["/script/" ]

Let’s look to the Dockerfiles and check that you have a line with the following content.


This code means that you may define the default value for the environment variable LOG_FILE during image build.

To create the reader image use the next docker build command.

docker build -f Dockerfile.reader --build-arg "LOG_FILE=/share/data.log" -t busybox-logger:reader .

To create the writer image use the next docker build command.

docker build -f Dockerfile.writer --build-arg "LOG_FILE=/share/data.log" -t busybox-logger:writer .

Run docker images command to check if the images were created properly.

Run Containers

On a command line, run docker run command to run reader container and block your terminal to check the changes on the file.

docker run -it --rm -v lab03-volume:/share busybox-logger:reader

On another command line, run docker run command to run writer command.

docker run -d -v lab03-volume:/share --name busybox-writer busybox-logger:writer

Now check on the first terminal that you’re seeing the changes on the file that the writer is doing.

Stop the writer container to check that the reader stops to show changes.

docker stop busybox-writer

On your first terminal you don’t see any updates anymore.

Now let’s stop the reader container doing CTRL+c on the first terminal.

Let’s start a new reader container. tail command by default shows the last 10 lines from the file that you run the command.

Since we’re using a docker volume, starting another command you may see the last 10 lines previously written by writer container.

docker run -it --rm -v lab03-volume:/share busybox-logger:reader

Finally, let’s start again writer container to see new lines on reader container terminal.

docker start busybox-writer

We’re done! You can clean all containers on your machine.

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Next Lab: Let’s put all together >

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